What are the Akashic Records?

The Akashic Records have been described in different ways, but in essence they are a storehouse of every thought, word, action good, bad, or neutral, of every being, in times past, present, and even future. It is simply a record of the journey of each soul through infinity, without judgment, penalty, or reward.

 The Akashic Records are not a physical place “somewhere in the sky, on in the earth”. Rather, they are, what Lumari calls “a vast system of organized energy that imparts the wisdom of the ages.” They are located in an environment outside the 3rd dimensional, physical world we know. It has been said they reside in the 11th Dimension.

 The Akashic Records are known in the Bible as the Book of Life. Your Book of Life is the recording of your own soul’s journey, past, present and future. The American Prophet Edgar Cayce also called it your Book of Life and did thousands of Readings for individuals.

 During an Akashic Records Reading your guide opens the records of your Soul and channels the information you are asking about. The answers will give guidance, offer opportunities for growth, and often assist in releasing blocks and contracts from previous lifetimes that no longer serve you.

 The Akashic Record Keepers will never give predictions of the future, because, even though your future is recorded in the Records, this is only a probable future. Probable futures are influenced by the free choices of every individual at any moment in time. You may change a probable future by accessing the information in the “Records” and gaining the wisdom of a bigger picture of any situation, which offers an opportunity to make different choices.

 The Record Keepers are, by Cosmic Law, not allowed to interfere with free will and free choice. They may give guidance and advice in those choices.

 In summary, the Akashic Records, as a living field of individual, always interacting energy of all that is, was, or may be, are available to all who seek this information.