Akashic Records

Elles Taddeo, Ed.D.

Certified Akashic Records Guide

Akashic Records

Elles Taddeo, Ed.D.

Certified Akashic Records Guide


I’m Elles Taddeo

Elles likes to see herself as a “down-to-earth-esoteric” with a practical attitude towards higher dimensions. She believes it is best to have our feet firmly planted in our physical, third dimensional existence while at the same time tuning our heart energy into higher dimensions. This is the best of all worlds.


What I Offer

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What happy clients say

"I found Elles to be easy to communicate with, kind, and really compassionate whilst sharing sensitive information. If you have any areas of your life that keep tripping you up, a reading with Elles might be just what you require. The answers and confirmation she shared with me has put me at ease with so many areas of my life. The way forward is clearer.”

Hastings, UK

“My first question was about my codependent relationship with alcoholics. Turns out it was a contract I have had with two husbands. Elles guided me through a contract cutting ceremony. I’ve broken the contract and don’t have to deal with that issue again. I don’t need to fix anything or anyone anymore. What a relief that I can move on to more joyful relationships. I am free of guilt and fear.” Blessings on your work. You delivered the information in a very clear and pleasant manner. I look forward to another reading and I shared the information with my daughter”.


Chicago, IL

"It (the reading) made quite an impact on me and I’m still peeling back layers as to what was said. In particular, the portion where we looked at past lives with my sister and I, and the links and bonds that are still present there. I also felt like things that were told to me, I already felt a strong knowing that that was the case, and that hearing it confirmed my instinct. It has given me confidence to trust my instinct and pursue what I sense to be right for me and not be influenced by outside forces telling me otherwise. All in all, it was a wonderfully insightful and healing reading, I’m so glad I did. Thank you!"


Brooklyn, NY

"Following your AR reading yesterday, I felt a deep sense of calm and clarity, like my soul was finally validated. The reading was profound with a light-hearted delivery, freeing me from much of the emotional and energetic weight that has bound me over many lifetimes. Like the mentor I have always wished for, the reading provided caring and focused guidance for my soul’s evolution. I am grateful to you for conveying the wisdom of the Akashic Records and will be sure to connect with you again as I actively work on tuning into my higher self and developing a 5D mindset. With love and light,"


Ont. Can.

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