Elles Taddeo

Elles likes to see herself as a “down-to-earth-esoteric” with a practical attitude towards higher dimensions. She believes it is best to have our feet firmly planted in our physical, third dimensional existence while at the same time tuning our heart energy into higher dimensions. This is the best of all worlds.

My Story

Even though Elles has felt the guidance of higher dimensions ever since she was a little girl, with things falling into place without conscious effort, her serious spiritual journey began with the birth of her son. With a 3rd-dimensional diagnosis of “autism”, she always believed that this beautiful soul was here to guide her further, and to teach her the lessons she needed to learn in this earthly go-around. The experiences with her own son give Elles the unique ability to understand the turmoil in the lives of parents with very special children, who do not seem to fit the 3rd dimensional norm.

 Blending her Master of Counseling Psychology and Doctorate in Education with her studies and work in Tarot, Kabbalah, Rosicrucianism, Theosophy, Past Life regression, Reiki, and Touch for Health allows her to communicate the messages of the Akashic Record Keepers and Guides from a wide, humanistic background in a way that is clear, specific, and life-changing for her clients.

As a native of The Netherlands living in the USA, she is fluent in both English and Dutch and has done multiple Readings in the Dutch language. Having the Record Keepers and Guides speak to clients in their own language gives the readings a deeper meaning that may be lost otherwise.

Elles often gets the question, “How do you do this?” Her explanation is to compare herself to a telephone, with two parties on each end of the line having a conversation. The phone itself is just an instrument so there’s no interpretation or judgment. Elles is a clear and open channel so the communication is pure and clear. 

The messages the Record Keepers convey are always loving, non-judgmental and often filled with a gentle sense of humor. Elles receives these messages in words or sometimes in images. These images do not always make immediate sense to her or the client, but often become clear further on in the reading.

When channeling the Akashic Record Keepers, Elles sometimes receives an “energetic download” for the client to help them dissolve contracts or vows that no longer serve them from a previous lifetime. She experiences these downloads as a surge of energy felt through her entire body. At other times the Record Keepers assist clients with cutting ties that unnecessarily bind them to previous lifetimes with a short, guided meditation. Clients always experience these releases as powerful clearings, opening a path forward.

Elles guides her clients to ask their questions as specifically as possible. Through her experience being in the Records, she has found that all questions, other than predictions of the future, are answered. However, general questions get very general answers, and specific questions get specific and actionable explanations. For instance, the question, “What is the reason that I always feel angry when my mom/dad/husband/wife says/does …..?” will get a clearer explanation than, “How can I improve my relationship with my mom/dad/husband/wife?”

Elles feels deeply honored when allowed to assist clients in the growth of their Soul by doing an Akashic Records reading. She feels immense gratitude to be able to share the Records with others so they may receive the wisdom of their “Book of Life” to guide them on their life’s journey.

“I am honored that you are considering me as your guide, and I look forward to being the channel that connects you with your Akashic Records Guides”.
